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Pet Blood Bank

Could your dog be a lifesaver?

Pet Blood Bank

Could your dog be a lifesaver?


The team at Sheriff Highway is delighted to announce that we have signed up to be a host practice for the Pet Blood Bank UK.

It is an honour that we can help to support the fantastic work they do. We hope that we can attract some of our own patients to the cause so please help to spread the word. 

We know first-hand just how important it is to our patients to have this wonderful service and know without them some of our patients' outcomes could have been very different. 


Pet Blood Bank Donor Criteria

Just as in human blood donation, there are certain criteria that a dog must meet to enable safe blood donation.

The dog must:

  1. Be aged between 1 and 8 years
  2. Weigh over 25kgs – 55lbs lean bodyweight
  3. Be in good general health
  4. Be up to date with vaccinations - dogs cannot give blood up to 14 days after their annual booster vaccination
  5. Not be taking certain medications - see exclusions information
  6. Have no history of heart murmur, seizures or fainting episodes
  7. Have no history of travel abroad
  8. Have not received a blood transfusion
  9. Have a good temperament and be able to lie quietly for a tummy rub for 5-10 minutes while blood is donated

Suitable candidates for blood donation will have a small patch of hair shaved from their neck and donate 400-500ml depending on bodyweight.

We ask all donors once enrolled on the programme to commit to donating 3-4 times a year.

One donation can help save the lives of up to four dogs.

In return the dog will receive:

  1. A full physical health check by one of the PBBuk vets
  2. Blood Screening – Full Haematology & Biochemistry to check internal health status – results sent to registered vet
  3. Blood typing – results sent to owner and registered vet
  4. Free Microchip if the dog does not already have one
  5. A Goodie Bag with an Exclusive Pet Blood Bank uk Lifesaver Bandana and Tag